
LUTENA Vakuum GmbH

Meilsener Strasse 24
D-21244 Buchholz

Fon: +49 [0]4181 / 39502

mail: mail(at)

Kay Haegermann
Tobias Mädge

Commercial Register:
AG Tostedt HRB 202169

DE 813 957 389

Competent Chamber of Commerce:


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You can revoke your consent at any time for the future by e-mail to mail(at) Detailed information on handling user data can be found in our privacy policy

What is the sum of 3 and 7?
Kay Haegermann

Kay Haegermann

managing director, distribution north

Phone: +49 [0]4181 / 39502

Angela Haegermann

Angela Haegermann

authorized signatory, order processing, accounting

Phone: +49 [0]4181 / 39502

Stephan Csaba Szilagyi

Tobias Mädge

managing director, technical director

Phone: +49 [0]4181 / 39502

Pia Haegermann

Pia Haegermann

back office, order processing

Phone: +49 [0]4181 / 39502

Jacqueline Subey

Muddar Ahmed

Drafting engineer

Phone: +49 [0]4181 / 39502

Stephan Csaba Szilagyi

Stephan Csaba Szilagyi

technical service, sales south

Mobile: 01704674945
Büro Süd: +49 [0]911 / 5065067

Rene Richau

Rene Richau

trechnical services, maintenance

Phone: +49 [0]4181 / 39502
Mobile: 01607716343

Pia Haegermann

Jana Ahlers

back office, order processing

Telefon: +49 [0]4181 / 39502